Task 1: Facebook Page: A 7-Day Plan to Highlight TopBot on Social Media: All of us have crunched numbers and want the answer in a flash.

Day 1: Teaser Announcement- Release a teaser movie/picture presenting Top Bot through all social media platforms with a smart caption, that will guide the audience to expect for more details.- Invite the followers to stay enchanted.

Day 2: A Feature Highlight post would be great too; it should address in detail the top features as well as the benefits that come with using Top Bot. Visuals and demos can be included or quotes from beta users (in case they are there so the audience understands more).

Day 3: Insta Live Q&A Session- Whenever an Instagram or Twitter live session is hosted where user can ask questions about Top Bot. Leverage real-time feedback, and provide timely and insightful answers to any and all customer concerns.

Day 4: User Testimonials- Pair Top Bot with customer case studies or testimonials that illustrate the feature's success among customers.- Motivate patrons to share their poses on social media using a dedicated hashtag.

Day 5: Comparison Post – Write a comparison post for TopBot that showcased how it surpasses the competition in regards to the advantages it provides for other features. – Infographics and side-by-side comparison could be utilized to illustrate the benefits of Top Bot.

Day 6: Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peek- Allow our followers to take a peek into our office and see how we work to create Top Bot that will make a real difference for the user.- Do not forget to show your team members and their commitment to the best user experience imaginable.

Day 7: To sum up, end the week with a forceful call to action and ask followers to try out Top Bot, after which they will give their valuable feedback. - Give them a one-time discount or any other favour for signing up or using the feature.

Task 2: Content Strategy for LinkedIn and Twitter: The content approach for these two platforms will focus on offering in-depth analysis of real-world use cases that highlight the challenges, solutions, and benefits emerging technologies bring.

LinkedIn Strategy:- Share knowledge, tips, and best practices of your Tomatoes’ industry and provide thought leadership content on the LLG. - Encourage your followers to tell their success stories or to share their own tips on how to use the Top Bot more effectively, promoting a sense of community and expertise.- Work with industry experts or influencers to produce content that engages people and brings more visibility.- Use LinkedIn polls or surveys among the users

Twitter Strategy:- Share to Twitter short and concise recommendations, manuals and quick guides that will be so much useful to the using process. - Connect to the Twitter discussion and use hashtags for trending topics and retweet content of valued users. - Ask them to vote on your Twitter polls, which will signal the matter of their opinion for future changes and improvements. - Give a lot of attention to the users’ content, mainly on sharing fresh

Task 3: Reel Idea for Social Media Sensation:

1. Team Introductions: Craft a quick reel for each Template team member illustrating their nature and their occupations at the company.

2.User Spotlight: We show feature short reels where happy users with Top Bot share testimonials and impart their life changing experience that they had with the product.

3.Product Demo: Make a short reel that illustrates the tree-step stage from installing to using Top Bot, thus everybody can grasp its functionality very swiftly.

4.Fun Facts: Drop some fun and factual pieces about Tomato or the team behind Top Bot onto the reel format for maximum engagement purposes.